Voice-over is the transfer of written text in any language to a spoken recording in the same language. When recordings are needed, a script is typically first prepared to fulfill the needs of the intended purpose, and is then lined up with a specialized Voice Talent to complete recording in the same language. Sometimes recordings will be needed in multiple languages, and a preliminary script is prepared for translation into those languages prior to recording; if this is the case for your project, we'd be happy to support with our unique document translation process to first prepare your script for recording in multiple languages! Already have your script in multiple languages, but seeking recording-only? No problem, we've got you covered there, too!
Regardless of which or how many languages you wish to obtain voice-over for, recordings may be completed via the use of a recording studio when environmental sound control is desired, or non-studio utilizing the available equipment of the voice talent. When use of a studio is required, accommodations and timelines will be arranged according to studio and/or equipment rental necessary to fulfill the desired output.
Depending upon the desired purpose or branding associated with the final output, clients may have a specific type of voice that they prefer to be utilized in their voice-over recordings. Some examples includes specifications for male or female, age range, pitch, or any combination. Voice samples may also be provided prior to commencement of work, especially for larger projects, to ensure the selected talent emulates the vision and goal our clients have in mind. Regardless of your need, we will work to find the best suited available talent.
After a voice-over has been recorded, it typically undergoes editing by our expert engineering team to ensure clean-sounding deliverables, as well as to manipulate timing and merge files together as needed to produce the ultimate end result. Output files can be delivered in a variety of formats and file specifications, depending upon final use and client preference.
We appreciate and recognize that each client and their needs are different. As such, we offer customized solutions that are tailored to fit your unique requirements and goals to enable you to break down language barriers and expertly connect with your desired audience! This customization can be based upon volume, scope of work, frequency of requests, or other factors that may be important to you. Come to us with your desired goal, and we will be happy to provide you with a customized solution best-suited for you. Whether your request is simple or complex, large or small, or anything in between, we have you covered!
Here are some examples of materials we can record:
Automated Messaging
Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
Automated Phone Systems (PABX/PBX)
Some of the industries that can highly benefit from this service are as follows:
(click on each industry for more information)
Legal, Financial, Medical, Education, Marketing, Entertainment, Non-Profit & Social Services, Technology, Travel & Tourism, as well as many others.